Mathematics and Science Center

Dowman Dr NE, Atlanta,
Atlanta, GA

Mathematics and Science Center

Wissenschaftliche ForschungsanstaltWasser RecyclingGrünes GebäudeSchuleEnergieerhaltung


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The building provides space for teaching and research in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, and Environmental Studies. The project has been designed following the U.S. Green Building Councils LEED standards. The University intends for the building to serve as a “living laboratory” for sustainable design, and will incorporate the project's design features directly into science teaching programs, including natural day lighting, rain water harvesting, and the use of sustainable building materials.

In addition, the facility includes a 3,000 square-foot “virtual sciences library,” a 40-seat Distance Learning classroom, a 60-person Planetarium, and a 20-person Observatory facility. The “virtual sciences library” adds technology, staff, and reference support for the physical science community. The Distance Learning Classroom allows users to originate video and audio conferences. The Observatory houses a two-meter Cassegrain telescope. Finally, the 35-foot diameter, 60-seat Planetarium is designed to function as both an A/V equipped classroom and an astronomy teaching laboratory.


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