Riparian Forest

Riparian Forest

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A riparian forest is a natural buffer between civilization/land and natural rivers, lakes, wetlands, or steams. They usually consist of "trees, shrubs and grass plantings that are managed to enhance and protect aquatic resources from adverse impacts from the management of adjacent lands" (2012). Riparian forests typically "intercept sediment, nutrients, pesticides and other materials in surface runoff and in shallow subsurface water flow so they don't get into the streams, lakes, or wetlands" (2012). These buffers also have many benefits such as reduced flood damage and increased wildlife. They also help slowdown runoff and infiltrate water (2016). Riparian buffers are also great for "protecting water quality, controlling erosion, and providing food for wildlife" (2010).These buffers are very meticulous as they require strategic placement of crops and good practices such as particular design, installation, and maintenance (2010).

PublicResourceOrg. (2010, July 31). Agroforestry Practices - Riparian Forest Buffers. Retrieved July 07, 2019, from

Stewart, N. (2016, February 02). Riparian Forest Buffers. Retrieved July 07, 2019, from

USDA National Agroforestry Center. (2012, May). Working Trees Info: What is a riparian forest buffer? Retrieved July 07, 2019, from

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Credit: Nancy Stewart

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