Daugavas krāces pie Kaupres pilskalna / Daugava rapids at Kaupre Hillfort

Daugavas krāces pie Kaupres pilskalna / Daugava rapids at Kaupre Hillfort



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Dolomīta kāple Daugavas gultnē, pār kuru pie zema ūdens veidojas krāce. Dolomīta sliekšņa platums - ap 200 metri, augstums līdz 0,5 metri.
Ābeļu salas pašā lejas galā starp salu un Daugavas kreiso krastu.

Dolomite step in bed of Daugava. When the water is low, there forms a waterfall over it. Width of step - approximately 200 metres, height up to 0,5 metres.
Lower end of Abeli Island, between the island and the left bank of Daugava.


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