Cumberland Park-Parking Lot Improvements

Cumberland Park-Parking Lot Improvements

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Project Number #10SWIF-CUY-102
Est. Project Completion October, 2010
SubGrantee City of Cleveland Heights 40 Severance Circle Cleveland Heights, OH 44118 Project Contact: Richard Wong, Planning Director City of Cleveland Heights
Amount Recommended $232,074
Project Title: Cumberland Park – Parking Lot Improvements
Project Location: City of Cleveland Hts., Cuyahoga County
Watershed: Chagrin River
Project Summary: $232,074 in Surface Water Improvement Fund (SWIF) grant funding is recommended to install innovative stormwater management practices and control runoff from an existing impervious parking lot within Cumberland Park. The project will result in the installation of pervious pavers combined a re-engineering of drainage to a series of bio-retention islands that will be installed. Cumberland Park is a heavily used urban recreation area; therefore, implementation of stormwater demonstration practices will serve to provide an important educational opportunity for city residents and park users. This project proposes to reduce the impervious parking area (which is currently 53,700 square feet) by 25% through the addition of pervious pavement. Additionally, bio-retention islands will be installed in the parking lot and all surface drainage redirected to these islands. General water quality benefits will include the reduction of runoff to Dugaway Creek, as well as reductions in total suspended solids, organic compounds, bacteria and nutrients by promoting settling, absorption and increased nutrient assimilation. This project is being implemented consistent with the recommendations in the state endorsed Chagrin River Watershed Action Plan. It is also generally consistent with findings and recommendations within the Chagrin River Total Maximum Daily Load study completed by Ohio EPA and approved by US EPA. Project Deliverables: Installation of 250 square feet of pervious pavers and reduction of existing impervious parking lot area from 53,700 square feet to approximately 40,000 square feet. Installation of 5,900 square feet of bio-filtration islands in the center of the parking lots with drainage in the areas to be re-directed to these filtration islands.

Conduct a comprehensive education and outreach program including the development and installation of 3 project specific signs, distribution of 1 project-specific press release, creation of a website highlighting the status and features of the project, 2 newletter articles and 1 field trip for area high school nature study program.

Environmental Results: Successful completion of this project is expected to considerably reduce nonpoint pollution loadings into Dugaway Creek and to more effectively manage and filter stormwater runoff thereby reducing water temperature. This project also will serve as an effective demonstration of various alternative stormwater management practices.


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