Friends Fair Trade Mathallen (snacks, food, tea etc.)

Maridalsveien 17

Friends Fair Trade Mathallen (snacks, food, tea etc.)

Fair TradeOrganische/regionale KostÖko-ProdukteGrünes UnternehmenGrünes GeschäftSozialverantwortliches UnternehmenGemeinnützige Einrichtung


Durchschnitt: 4 (1 Bewertung)

This is a non-profit shop that sells a wide variety of fair trade and in most cases also organic/biodynamic products. They mainly have food, snacks, tea and coffee, but also other small items like handmade cards. The store is located in Mathallen, a centre for Norwegian food culture where chefs and the general public can purchase products from Norwegian small-scale producers and foreign special imports.
Read more (in Norwegian) on their website, where you can also find a web shop.

+47 21 38 72 38 / +47 928 60 927
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