433 Prospect Place Renovation Passive House

433 Prospect Place
NY 11238

433 Prospect Place Renovation Passive House

Grünes GebäudeGartenHistorisches MerkmalÖkologisch zertifiziertGrüne TechnologieTraditionielle WohngegendReduzierung von TreibhausgasenReizvolle AussichtEnergieerhaltung


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This 1910 rowhome, located in Brooklyn's Prospect Heights neighborhood, has been completely renovated and includes a new addition and excavated cellar. The house is fully retrofitted with the latest Passive House technologies and insulation standards. With skylights throughout, large bay windows, and sliding glass doors, this single family home is filled natural light. Expert design and craftsmanship has brought this century old property to state-of-the-art standards while paying respect to its original character

Status: Renovated

Architect: James Wagman Architect, LLC
Passive House Consultant: Cramer Silkworth Baukraft Engineering
Structural: Dunne & Markis Structural Engineers
Contractor: JS Custom Builders


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433 Prospect Place Renovation Passive House

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