Temple Beth Sholom & Elementary School

1050 S Tuttle Ave
FL 34237

Temple Beth Sholom & Elementary School

Grünes UnternehmenUmweltbildungGrüne SchuleGartenSchuleKultstätte


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Meeting and exceeding environmental program standards, Temple Beth Sholom is the first place of worship and school to join the Green Business Partnership. Woven into the fabric of the faith is the beautiful principle Tikun Olam meaning honoring God through restoring the earth. Environmentalism, conservation and preservation of the earth fit this ancient principle. For over three years the temple has had an active 15 member “Go Green Team”. Recognizing the importance of health of current and future generations the temple implements the Precautionary Principle, recognizing that many common chemical products and pesticides are detrimental to health, especially the health of children. The buildings and grounds are cleaned and maintained with non-toxic and pesticide-free alternatives. Soap and hand sanitizers are both environmentally and health safe. All water is filtered and students are provided reusable water bottles, eliminating single use plastic water bottle waste. Energy consumption is reduced through a new white reflective roof, low E windows, and energy efficient copiers. Solar panels are planned in the future. Temple Beth Sholom is certified through Green Faith and is also the 1st synagogue with an organic fruit tree garden.


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