Harris Hall Rain Garden

1015 Floyd Ave
VA 23284

Harris Hall Rain Garden

Ökologischer LandschaftsbauÖffentlicher PlatzGartenGeplante Parkanlage


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The planting of the Harris Hall Rain Garden was promoted by the student-led group Green Unity 4 VCU. The garden presented an opportunity for students to come together and help "green" the campus through a planting day. The garden will reduce pollution to the James River by reducing sediments and contaminants during stormwater runoff and it also presents and eco-educational opportunity for gray water recycling. In addition, the garden and adjoining square provide a new public space on campus for students to gather.


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Harris Hall Rain Garden

video Hinzugefügt von MarkHill1


Video of students planting a rain garden in front of Harris Hall on the VCU campus in Richmond, VA.


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