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Lincoln Green Map highlights the exceptional efforts and community assets that relate to the sustainability of the city. Through mapping, these efforts and assets are available for anyone inside or outside the community to see what’s being done and see how to become involved in the on-going movement for sustainability.
No action is too small or too insignificant to count. Changing one lightbulb is an effort not too small to be counted; turning the water off when brushing your teeth is not too insignificant; turning your thermostat up one degree in the summer is an action that is important, even though seemingly small.
By educating the consumers and citizens of Lincoln on the variety of options for a more sustainable life, we can inspire a plethora of small acts that individually seem small, but as a whole can change our community. The city of Lincoln, with around 250,000 and growing, is poised to become a leader for sustainable cities in the region. Projects large and small from energy efficiency to alternative transportation to outreach and education exist as part of the community-wide sustainability efforts. Lincoln Green Map will educate within our community about the options available to be a part of a sustainable future.
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