City of Cleveland WPC Building Stormwater Management Improvement

City of Cleveland WPC Building Stormwater Management Improvement

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Project Number #10GLRI-CUY-039
Est. Project Completion May 2011
SubGrantee City of Cleveland, Dept. of Public Utilities 12302 Kirby Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44108
Project Contact: Rachid Zoghaib, Deputy Commissioner City of Cleveland Department of Public Utilities
Amount Recommended: $260,158
Project Title: City of Cleveland WPC Building Stormwater Management Improvements Project Location: City of Cleveland, Cuyahoga County
Watershed: Cuyahoga River
Project Summary: $60,158 in Surface Water Improvement Fund (SWIF) grant funding is recommended to incorporate a variety of green stormwater management practices at the city’s Water Pollution Control facility. Planned activities include replacing 11,200 square feet of currently impervious asphalt with permeable asphalt, constructing two rain gardens totaling 480 square feet and two bioswales, and to install a water reuse system to collect, store, and reuse storm water from a portion of the roof of the maintenance warehouse building. Upon completion of all stormwater demonstration practices, stormwater flow from more than 60,000 square feet of drainage area will be effectively eliminated from existing storm sewers and treated in green BMPs. In addition to the above listed practices, education and outreach activities consisting of news releases, formal and informal tours and school presentations, and project signs will be incorporated into each installation site. This project is being implemented consistent with the findings and recommendations within the Lower Cuyahoga River Total Maximum Daily Load study completed by Ohio EPA and approved by US EPA. Project Deliverables: Installation of at least 11,200 square feet of pervious pavement in and around the publicly accessible areas of the city of Cleveland’s Water Pollution Control Center. The planning, design and installation of one rainwater re-use system that will capture roof runoff from the building and reuse the captured water for toilet facilities in the building, vehicle washing station and/or the existing irrigation system for the buildings landscaping and lawn.

Future Pervious Pavement, Future Bioswale Construction of two rain gardens totaling 480 square feet designed to treat drainage from 17,400 square feet of the facility’s roof. Rain gardens will contain plants native to the Cleveland area. Integration of the rain gardens will be done in a way that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Installation of 130 square feet of vegetated bio-swales designed to treat runoff from 9,950 square feet of parking lot drainage. Currently this runoff flows across the grassy areas where the bio-swales will be installed before dumping into the storm system on a nearby street. Essentially, this drainage will be eliminated as a result of infiltration and treatment that will occur as a result of the bio-swales. Conduct public education and outreach activities consisting of 1 project specific news release to local media outlets, permanent project specific interpretive signs, formal and informal public and school tours of the project sites and the production and distribution of 1 project specific fact sheet and/or brochure.

Environmental Results: Successful completion of this project will improve water quality by removing and treating through infiltration the surface runoff from more than 60,000 square feet of impervious parking areas and roof surfaces. Additionally, stormwater flows will be reduced as a result of the rainwater harvesting and reuse system that will be installed as a result of this project.


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