Four Winds Farm, Gardiner, NY

Four Winds Farm, Gardiner, NY

Eco-Agriculture/PermacultureFarmers/Local MarketHealthy DiningOrganic/Local Food


Average: 5 (1 vote)

Four Winds Farm is a 24-acre diversified Family Farm under organic management since 1988. They raise 50 varieties of vegetables in their 4-acre CSA garden. Our CSA regular season runs from June through December. They also sell at the New Paltz, Peekskill, Cold Spring, and Pine Bush Farmers' Markets. Heirloom Vegetable Seedlings are available for gardeners. They also offer pastured poultry and pork, eggs from pastured hens, and grassfed lamb and beef. They've been NOFA-NY Certified Organic since 1989.

158 Marabac Rd.
Gardiner, NY 12525-5614
(845) 255-3088

(845) 255-3088


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