Sunny Sky Farm

9697 Lake Meyers Road
Amherst Junction

Sunny Sky Farm

Eco-Agriculture/PermacultureOrganic/Local FoodLocal Business


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Sunny Sky Farm - Wisconsin is one of the nation’s leaders in organic farming and Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). Sunny Sky Farm is one of the leading CSAs in central Wisconsin and interested people are encouraged to visit the farm for a taste of what central Wisconsin has to offer (please call in advance). Volunteers are welcome as certain times of the season require extra labor. Sunny Sky Farm also holds several potlucks throughout the season as well as a Harvest Festival Potluck in September where they have live music, apple cider pressing, and a great variety of delicious, home-cooked organic food. Sunny Sky Farm is a CSA in Amherst, WI, just 20 minutes outside of Stevens Point. Children are welcome but supervision is required for young children.

Mark, Bronson, Noah, and Ursa Anderson
9697 Lake Meyers Road; Amherst Junction, WI 54407
Phone: 715-824-2697; email:; website:


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