
Shuk Talpiot

Farmers/Local MarketOrganic/Local Food


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Haifa’s largest outdoor market is a lively intersection of food stalls and vendors all hawking their recently caught catch, locally grown produce and specialty bites. Haifa’s early and continued history as a port city means the seafood here is some of the best around and the variety available, hard to match. The city’s large population of Russian Jews gives the shuk an Eastern European flair. Many of the foodstuffs at Shuk Talpiot are rarely seen anywhere else (molohkia or a three layer baklava for instance) and a visit here will surely tantalize taste buds like nowhere else. Hehalutz Street, Haifa; Sun, Mon, Wed & Thurs 8 AM- 7 PM, Tues & Fri 8 AM- 2 PM; $ cash only


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Shuk Talpiot

added by NYU Tourism Maps



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