1536 Wynkoop Street

Alliance Center



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The Alliance Center provides a base for 30 non-profit tenants and like-minded organizations in Denver and around the state to advocate for development of policies and implementation of practices of sustainability.


Green features of the Center are highlighted and explained with educational signs for guided, self-guided and virtual tours for real estate and construction professionals, property owners, developers, media, students and visitors. The Center has earned USEPA Energy Star Leader status, and is one of only two buildings to have earned two certifications under the US Green Building Council’s LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) program – Gold for Existing Building and Silver for Commercial Interiors. In 2006, the Alliance received the USGBC’s national Leadership Award for Education by an Organization. In 2007, the Alliance Center received the Mayor’s Design Award in the category of “It Ain’t Easy Being Green.” When the Center is expanded, it will showcase green construction in the rehabilitation of an existing building alongside a new wing, built to the highest achievable green standards under LEED and the Living Building Challenge http://www.cascadiagbc.org/lbc.

By documenting its process and programs, the Alliance offers its model to stimulate and facilitate formations of Alliances in other states. The Alliance intends to produce a document, and ultimately a DVD, about successes and lessons learned in the development of its four sector collaboration and the Alliance Center building. These chronicles will be made available to anyone interested, particularly through the national Multi-Tenant Nonprofit Centers Network.

Benefits of tenancy in the Alliance Center include:
 stable, below market rent that helps shield tenants from swings in the economy and dips in their revenues
 high quality, healthy, environmentally sound workspace
 conference rooms with audiovisual equipment available to tenants and non-tenants
 shared equipment including phone system, high speed Internet access, photocopier and fax machine, and services including bulk purchasing and recycling
 networking events and lunch forums that inform tenants, partners and visitors about sustainability issues
 synergies of working with partners achieving greater impact together than they would alone



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