CIS Nebraska Service Center

1301 W Highland Blvd
NE 68521

CIS Nebraska Service Center



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Sustainable Site

  • BMP was followed through use of a silt fence, stabilized construction entrance, sediment basin and other measures
  • Bicycle storage and shower/ changing rooms available for alternative transportation for occupants
  • Reduced site disturbance through open space to encourage habitat
  • 81.17% of roof meets emissivity requirements and complies with Energy Star to reduce heat island effect.
  • Exterior lighting has been designed according to IESNA RP-33 for light pollution reduction

Water Efficiency

  • Landscape design uses native and drought tolerant plantings which do not require a permanent irrigation system
  • Water use has been reduced by 24.06% through the use of low flow kitchen sinks and lavatories

Energy & Atmosphere

  • Additional commissioning was performed for the building
  • HCFC and Halon free HVAC (heating ventilation and air conditioning) equipment
  • Green power purchased to meet 100% of the building electrical needs for over of 2 years

Materials & Resources

  • Occupant recycling
  • Diverted 86.43% of construction waste through effective waste management plan
  • 14.31% of total building materials by value contain recycled materials
  • 26.85% local and regional materials manufactured regionally
  • 20.64% local and regional materials extracted regionally
  • 8.47% of total building materials by value contain rapidly renewable materials

Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)

  • CO2 sensors monitor to outside ambient levels and increased ventilation if exceeding thresholds
  • Construction IAQ Management plan was in compliance with SMACNA guidelines, after construction, MERV 13 filters were installed at grilles
  • Construction IAQ Management plan before occupancy – the project conforms with the required IAQ testing protocol
  • Low emitting adhesive and sealants were used
  • Low emitting paints were used
  • Low emitting carpet were used
  • Low emitting composite wood products were used
  • Indoor pollutant source control
  • Designed for thermal comfort compliance with ASHRAE 55 – 1992 for relative humidity and temperature
  • Thermal comfort monitoring system installed for compliance with ASHRAE 55 – 1992 for relative humidity and temperature
  • Daylight and views are available to 93% of the critical visual task spaces

Innovation and Design

  • Green education through informative CD and outreach efforts, such as the participation in a number of conferences including the "Greening the Heartland" conference, GreenBuild 2006, Illinois Parks and Recreation Conference, Illinois Sustainable Living Fair, and Energy 2006. The project will also be open for tours.
  • Exemplary performance in materials extracted regionally
  • Exemplary performance in 100% green power purchased
  • LEED accredited professionals participating on the project


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