203rd West 120th street
cross streets are St. Nicholas & Adam Clayton Powell Blvd

PS 76 Garden



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Public School 76 Community Garden

A Community Garden is a piece of land gardened by a group of people. [1] Community gardens provide access to fresh produce and plants as well as access to satisfying labor, neighborhood improvement, sense of community and connection to the environment. [2] They are publicly functioning in terms of ownership, access and management, [3] as well as typically owned in trust by local governments or nonprofits.

The PS 76 group has a new garden adjacent to the school on 120th Street. It is compensation for demolition of the Garden of Love (on 119th St. across from the school) that was bulldozed by the City. The new garden is on a slope. Flower and veggie beds are at the front of the garden. On the right as you go towards the rear is a narrow arbor covered with vines. Underneath is seating for classes. On the left past the veggie beds are 3 picnic tables where classes draw and work on projects. There is a permanent water line hidden in the ‘natural area’. A lawn crosses the rear of the garden which also has a stage for performances. Planters incorporate storage for cushions that children can sit on. Former teacher Tom Goodrich (many children affectionately call him Mr. Goodwrench) is the guiding light of this active education garden. Of course he would give the kids all the credit, as they make many of the decisions that affect the garden.


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