Project R.A.I.N. at City Hall

7325 Summitview Drive
Seven Hills
OH 44131

Project R.A.I.N. at City Hall



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Project Number #10SWIF-CUY-083
Est. Project Completion November, 2010
SubGrantee City of Seven Hills 7325 Summitview Drive Seven Hills, OH 44131
Project Contact: Mark K. Papke, P.E. – City Engineer City of Seven Hills
Amount Recommended: $256,530
Project Title: Project R.A.I.N. at City Hall
Project Location: City of Seven Hills, Cuyahoga County
Watershed: West Creek--Tributary to the Cuyahoga River
Project Summary: $256,530 in Surface Water Improvement Fund (SWIF) grant funding is recommended to implement a comprehensive stormwater demonstration project at the city hall building within the city of Seven Hills, Ohio. The proposed project is a component of a larger city-wide stormwater management and has the goals of: redirecting city hall parking lot rainwater to two separate bio-retention cells; harvesting rainwater from the western bio-retention cell for irrigation purposes; installing permeable pavers and conducting a project specific education and outreach program including the development and installation of a public information kiosk identifying innovative stormwater BMPs. The project will result in the installation of two bio-retention cells totaling 3,360 square feet; a rainwater collection cistern; 1,781 square feet of permeable pavement and other practices within the city hall campus. This project will also result in the invitation of developers, contractors and residents to a stormwater management workshop sponsored by the city, project contractor and representatives of the Cuyahoga County Soil & Water Conservation District. Project administration, public outreach and bid advertisement costs will be provided by the city. West Creek has both a state endorsed watershed action plan and a completed Total Maximum Daily Load study (TMDL). Project Deliverables: Installation of 5,615 square feet of bio-filtration islands within the Seven Hills City Hall parking areas. Installation of 1,781 square feet of permeable pavers in main pedestrian sidewalk areas around city hall and in the areas leading between city hall and the Seven Hills Police Department offices.

Installation of a rain water collection cistern underneath the bio-filtration islands that will be constructed as part of this project. The cistern system will include a submersible pump and harvested water will be used to water the landscape at the city main enrance. Conduct a project specific public education and outreach program including the production of a project fact sheet, 1 project-specific press release, 1 newsletter article and the development, installation and maintenance of an informational kiosk that will be placed at the main Seven Hills City Hall entranceway.

Environmental Results: Successful completion of this project is expected to reduce nonpoint source pollutant loadings into the West Creek, a tributary to the Cuyahoga River.


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