Co-op Site #5



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Project #1: Stormwater harvesting earthworks and curb cut (first official residential curb cut in Phoenix)

Installation Date: December 29, 2012

Location: Private residence, E Indian School Rd and N 32nd St, Phoenix

Workshop Leader(s): Ryan Wood

Number of Co-op Volunteers: 12

The homeowners wanted to capture both stormwater and flood irrigation overflow from their upstream neighbors and direct it to a curbside planting area filled with native-adapted plants and wildflowers. An infiltration basin designed to capture a surface volume of 1500 gallons was installed.

At this site, the runoff source is the road. The water enters the infiltration basin by means of a curb cut.


Both excess stormwater and overflow flood irrigation water from the neighbors that was once wasted is now redirected into multiple beneficial uses for the homeowners. Two native shade trees and 69 other native plants were planted. These trees and plants will: filter air, soil and water pollutants; provide cooling shade and a moister microclimate; help infiltrate water and organic matter deep into the soil, making the soil more water absorbent; and attract native pollinators and other wildlife back into the urban setting.

Because this project is in the homeowners’ front yard, it also serves as a demonstration for the neighbors on what can be accomplished with a “waste” water resource. Neighbors can see the water running from the street, through the curb cut and into the basin where an abundance of foliage and flowers grow.

Project #2: Laundry to Landscape (L2L) greywater reuse

Installation Date: May 5, 2013

Workshop Leader(s): Ryan Wood and Kat Ferris

Number of Co-op Volunteers: 12

The homeowners wanted to capture the greywater from their washing machine and reuse it to water some fruit trees in their backyard.

A pressurized Laundry to Landscape (L2L) system with polytubing and emitters was installed to convey the laundry greywater to earthworks surrounding two deciduous fruit trees.


This system will provide a total of 7800 gallons per year to fruit trees, reducing the reliance on tap water for irrigation. Instead of sending this free water resource down the sewer, it now provides water for two deciduous fruit trees and helps rehydrate the property.


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