Downtown Farm/Huerta Del Centro & Participation Park

1100 Forrest Street
MD 21202

Downtown Farm/Huerta Del Centro & Participation Park

마을 공동 정원환경교육예술공간친환경/지속가능농업정비/재건 지역


Participation Park
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Sustainable organic vegetable garden, social space, educational park. and community-supported agriculture (CSA) co-op.

Participation Park is an ongoing public art project and activist initiative based on converting a vacant lot in east Baltimore into an urban farm, social space, community kitchen, free store, radical planning studio and adventure playground.

Baltimore Free Store has semi-permanent site in red trailer. Salad Saturdays 5-7pm.

Located east side of Forrest St. between Biddle and Chase Streets


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Participation Park

Summer 2009

image added by Baltimore Green Map


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