Safe Place

Safe Place

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Mission: "Offer a visible support system for victims of sexual assault, intimate partner violence, and stalking through outreach, crisis intervention, advocacy, and educational programming."

Advocacy Services:
California State Certified Advocates and Peer Counselors are available to provide crisis intervention and serve victims and survivors of sexual assault, intimate partner violence and stalking.
→Referrals to Campus and community resources
→Accompaniment: to court, medical exams,law enforcement and student judicial affairs reporting
→Act as liaison between campus member and faculty/staff and service providers
→Follow up case management services to support individual in accessing services and support

Educational Programming
→Provide outreach and awareness activities to students, staff and faculty on campus
→Deliver prevention education presentations on the dynamics of sexual assault, intimate partner violence and stalking
→Provide training for area professionals on dynamics of crimes upon request

Resources for Campus
→Information packets, handouts, and brochures
→Safe Place staff can assist students or others interested in researching these crimes

Contact Information:
(530) 879-6185
Swing Space A


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