L&B Spumoni Gardens

2725 86th Street
NY 11223

L&B Spumoni Gardens

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대중 교통어린이 친화공간노인 친화공간


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L&B Spumoni Gardens is full of family history and now is in its 4th generation thanks to Ludovico Barbati’s creative insight. In 1939, it started out as a small spumoni factory and then expanded to factory with outside seating and landscaping. In the mid-1950s, L&B Spumoni Gardens built the second building which is now the pizzeria and years later add the third building which is the luncheonette.

L&B Spumoni Gardens are known for their famous thick Sicilian pies where the sauce is on top layer and the cheese is underneath it. They also sell regular round pies, sandwiches, heroes, ice cream and ices. You have the options to order take-out, sit in the restaurant or sit outside with the sun hitting your face or take shade under the canopy. With L&B Spumoni Gardens outdoor seating and is open until 1:00 a.m. during summertime, it is a popular neighborhood destination to hangout. During the wintertime, they are open until 12-midnight and customers have a choice to sit out if it’s not too cold or sit in the pizzeria and restaurant to eat.



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