Climate Change Countermeasure Greenmap in Octopus Tentacle Type (우리동네기후변화대응문어발그린맵)

Climate Change Countermeasure Greenmap in Octopus Tentacle Type (우리동네기후변화대응문어발그린맵)

친환경 디자인/설계친환경 상품친환경 조경


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■ Name: Climate Change Countermeasure Greenmap in Octopus Tentacle Type
■ Theme: Energy
■ Location: Ansan City in Gyounggi Province
■ Organizer: Energy & Climate Change Instructor Association of Ansan City
■ Content: Introduction of climate change countermeasure trainings, relevant facilities and exemplary villages in Ansan City
■ Importance: This map shows the functions of Greenmap as an incubator for social activists who will work for the region.


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Climate Change Countermeasure Greenmap in Octopus Tentacle Type (우리동네기후변화대응문어발그린맵)

added by Gyeonggi-Do Sou...



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