Co-op Site #8


Co-op Site #8

Paisagismo Ambientalmente Correto

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This 1/6th acre property in the Central Phoenix Historic District showcases several water harvesting features.

Through Watershed Management Group's Green Living Co-op a Laundry to Landscape (L2L) greywater reuse system, Kitchen Resource Drain (KRD) and the associated earthworks were installed.

Other water harvesting projects on the site include:
1) An outdoor shower with hot and cold running water used year 'round. The water flows into 3 different infiltration basins to water trees and grapevines. (Design and workshop by Brad Lancaster, author of "Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond")
2) 200 square feet of sunken vegetable beds
3) A French drain that diverts nuisance rainwater from the neighbor's carport to an urban orchard in a swale
4) The floors of both the hen yard and the propagation area are sunken, mulched basins. In the hen yard, the hens add their manure to the mulch and make some great compost. In the propagation area, the woodchips breakdown more slowly but every 6-12 months, I have a huge area of harvestable compost.


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Laundry to Landscape Greywater Project

video added by jlwadsworth


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