Co-op Site #9


Co-op Site #9

Paisagismo Ambientalmente Correto

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The Project: Rainwater harvesting earthworks

Installation Date: December 21, 2013 and January 4, 2014

Location: Private residence, E Southern Ave and S Rural Rd, Tempe

Workshop Leader(s): Ryan Wood

Number of Co-op Volunteers: 12 (Dec), 13 (Jan)

The homeowner wanted to capture rainwater from the roof and landscape and stop it from flowing off the property. To help capture this water infiltration basins were designed to capture a surface volume of 1500 gallons. The water is conveyed to the infiltration basins by means of swales.


A free water resource that once was wasted is now redirected into multiple beneficial uses for the homeowner. Four native shade trees and 51 other native plants were planted to take advantage of this resource. These trees and plants will: filter air, soil and water pollutants; provide cooling shade and a moister microclimate; help infiltrate water and organic matter deep into the soil, making the soil more water absorbent; and attract native pollinators and other wildlife back into the urban setting.


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