Green City Tour - 4. Juni bis 27. August

Frankfurter Tor
BE 10243

Green City Tour - 4. Juni bis 27. August



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The Green City Tour: Die Grüne Stadtführung
The “Green City Tour” is a guided tour in Berlin, by bicycle and in English, that is focusing on initiatives towards sustainability

We’ll cycle a route which takes you by buildings with ecological installation, sustainable clothing stores, an intercultural market, alternative housing communities, organic restaurants and shops, an urban farm, a do-it-yourself workshop. Issues like transport and urban activism will also be talked about.

Practical infos

The tour is taking place every friday at 2PM from June to end of August.

Meeting Point
At 2PM, at Frankfurter Tor (U-bahn U5 Frankfurter Tor, 4 stops from Alexanderplatz), in front of the 4 Floor Secondhand shop.
!!! Be ready with your bike at 2PM! If you need to rent a bike, please be in the Bike-area shop at 1:45PM.

Bike rental
You can rent a bike in the ” Bike Area” shop, Petersburgerstrasse 93 (in the street next to the Humana shop). This will cost you 5€ for the afternoon. Don’t forget to mention you are taking part of the Green City Tour.

The price for the tour  is open : we recommend our visitors  to pay between 5€ (for people with no income) to 10 € (normal price).

The tour lasts about  4 hours.
We’ll ride about 17 km.

How to book? (Booking highly recommended)
Send an e-mail to :
or call :+49 (0) 160 927 500 74

For groups
If you want to organise a similar tour for a group, we suggest you to contact a partner organisation, ID22 : creative sustainability tours

WANN: Jeden Freitag von 14:00 bis 18:00 Uhr, vom 4. Juni bis 27. August
KOSTEN: Zwischen 5€ und 10€, as you can !
TREFFPUNKT: Frankfurter Tor, vor dem vierstöckigen Second-Hand-Kaufhaus
FAHRRAD-VERLEIH: Petersburgerstrasse 93 (50 m vom Treffpunkt entfernt), Kosten: 5 €.
RESERVIERUNG (empfohlen ): oder 0160 927 500 74
Weitere Informationen unter:


0160 927 500 74


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Green City Tour

image tillagd av Greenmap Berlin


The Green City Tour: Die Grüne Stadtführung


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