Green Design Festival - Syntagma Square

Leoforos Vasilissis Amalias
Syntagma Square

Green Design Festival - Syntagma Square

Eko-design/hållbar planeringMiljövårdsundervisning


Green Design Festival 2008 Logo
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More than 70 architects, industrial designers, graphic designers, graffiti artists and fashion designers exhibit their ideas for a Green Athens in the heart of the city. Usually around the month of September, Green Design Festival takes place at Syntagma Square and another 10 spots within the city center, organized under the auspices of the Athens Municipality.

Eco Museum, an alternative installation at Syntagma Square hosts photography exhibitions, Eco Chic works, industrial design works as well as a library on Green Practices. Next to the Eco Museum, a small amphitheater serves the needs of concerts and educational programes that take place within the framework of the festival.

A number of original in concept, green events take place during the festival such as:

- A visual arts intervention on the Athens map by 10 graphic design ateliers, whose works will be printed on wooden models

- The so-called "guerilla gardening", an event during which a waste bank turns into a green place through the adequate tree planting

- The juxtaposition of a number of panels in the shape of big trees, which will be painted by street artists

Using new technologies, powerful imagery and design, this festival will transform Athens into a lively, interactive space which will present proposals and ideas about how everyday life could be greener and more friendly to the environment. Participants include over 70 architects, industrial designers, graphic designers, fashion and street artists, who have worked on the theme of the festival on projects who embrace the non-connoisseur.!

Admission is free!

For more information, visit the festival's website:

Contributed by: Jessica Saraniero


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See video

2008 Official Green Design Festival Video

video tillagd av NYU Mapmakers


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