Baltimore Museum of Industry

1415 Key Highway
MD 21230

Baltimore Museum of Industry

MuseumKulturintressant plats Lokal eller Bondens marknad/Gårdsaffär Äldrevänlig plats


Baltimore Museum of Industry
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The Baltimore Museum of Industry showcases the daily lives of Baltimore citizens during the Industrial Revolution. The permanent exhibits feature re-created machines and tools utilized by the thriving regional industries at the time, including a cannery, machine shop, and pharmacy, just to name a few. The museum also hosts an archive of artifacts and documents from the Industrial era, and images are organized into a public database online (accessed at:
The museum is great for families and school trips, with programs available for both the younger and older audience. The annual Maryland Engineering Challenge is provided to students from grade 1 to 12, with different problem sets and hands-on experiences given to improve the students' STEM skills. The museum is also home to the BMI Farmer's Market every Saturday from 9 AM to 1 PM, extending annually from the end of May to the end of November.



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Baltimore Museum of Industry

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