Luzerne-Glover Alley Green

2600 E Baltimore
MD 21222

Luzerne-Glover Alley Green

Allmän platsEko-design/hållbar planeringÅterställt område


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Alley reclaimed as communal social / green space through residents work with Baltimore stakeholders and Community Greens initiative of Ashoka, a citizen sector organization. Made possible under the City's new Gating and Greening Alleys Ordinance.

These shared spaces give residents the ability to create a safer environment in which to live. As they reclaim and improve the alley behind their homes they should see a reduction in the amount of dumping, vandalism, and crime that occurs in their alleyway. As the alley improves, so should the value of the abutting homes. As an added plus, these alley greens - once beautified with planters, trees, or grass - will, of course, help the environment and the Chesapeake Bay by cleaning the air, creating microhabitats for birds and insects, reducing storm water runoff, keeping trash out of the bay, and decreasing the urban heat island effect.


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The Luzerne-Glover Alley transformed

image tillagd av Baltimore Green Map


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