Robert E. Lee Park - Lake Roland

1000 Lakeside Drive
MD 21210

Robert E. Lee Park - Lake Roland

Park eller rekreationsplatsVattenplatsEkoturism/EkovandringHundrastgård


Robert E Lee Park
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Centered on Lake Roland in the Jones Falls valley, the Robert E. Lee Park has over 500 acres of exceptionally diverse ecosystems including wetlands, meadows, and mature hardwood forests. Most significant is the environmentally sensitive serpentine barrens in the Bare Hills area, home to many rare and endangered species of flora and fauna. The park is historically significant, with not one, but two National Register Historic Districts! The park is managed and maintained by Baltimore County and is leased from Baltimore City on a 100 year lease agreement.

Park improvements and amenities include:
Ranger Station – Baltimore County rangers provide educational programming and are headquartered at the base of the pedestrian bridge across from the dam.
Two pavilions with scenic water views available for rental for special events or general patron use.
A new pedestrian bridge at the dam providing easy access from Lakeside Drive to the main peninsula, ranger station, MTA boardwalk the main hiking trails.
Paw Point – An award winning enclosed off-leash dog park with water access (membership required)
Boardwalk from the Lake-Falls Light Rail Station – Park goers can arrive by light rail or bus and gain easy access to the park via a raised boardwalk that is great for bird watching. This form of transit oriented recreation is unique to Robert E. Lee Park.
Acorn Hill – a children’s natural play area.
Extensive trail improvements – This ongoing effort makes exploring the park easy and fun. Work is performed on a volunteer basis by the trails committee of the Robert E. Lee Park Nature Council in collaboration with Baltimore County. Trail Maps are available.
Refurbished Trestle Bridge on the former Greenspring Rail Line within the park that now carries the majority of the main red trail’s park patron pedestrian traffic across the Jones Falls. The trestle is both historic and provides scenic views from the main red trail.
Future plans for the park include the Lake Roland Education Center.


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Robert E Lee Park

image tillagd av Baltimore Green Map


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