L&B Spumoni Gardens by Sebastian Gomez

L&B Spumoni Gardens by Sebastian Gomez

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L&B has been around since 1934. And ever since then, customer lines cover the sidewalks of L&B gardens. The pizza is so famous that it usually receives the name of "best pizza in Brooklyn or NY"

What is different about this pizza is the way ingredients are placed. In a normal pizza the cheese is place after the tomatoes. However, in L&B pizza the tomatoes are placed on top of the cheese, creating a unique texture and taste.

Another important item in the menu is the Spumoni, A type of Italian ice cream. I would recommend the rainbow one. This one has pistachio, chocolate and vainilla ice cream together. The Spumoni is more refreshing than regular ice cream. Perfect dessert for the summer weather.

Asking a regular customer of L&B, she shared "Spumoni is an old place that can still bring new customers in and keep the old ones," type of a traditional place for the inhabitants on southern Brooklyn. She also believes "the place is fun and unique which is why it attracts people to this place," many tourists take the D train, a ride of 45 minutes just to try L&B pizza and Spinoni.


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L&B Spumoni Gardens by Sebastian Gomez

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