Joao Herculino Cultural Complex of the Republic

Joao Herculino Cultural Complex of the Republic

Kulturintressant plats MuseumAllmän platsLivlig platsBibliotekFotgängarzonKollektivtrafik


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The original project of the Cultural Complex by Oscar Niemeyer includes the National Library and Museum, the Musical Center, the "multiplex"space and the 180o Movie Theater. On December 15 of 2006, the 99th birthday of Oscar Niemeyer, the Library and Museum were inaugurated.
The museum, worth taking a picture of, resembles a typical Brazilian indigenous house and is surrounded by a suspended walkway. It was conceived to host art exhibitions and workshops for restaurantion of paintings and sculptures. The library is meant to be the most advanced in the country, especially for the digital technology used, and has a book capacity of 500 thousand.
Museum: Tue to Sun: 9am to 6:30 pm
Library: Mon to Fri: 9am to 8:45 pm, Sat & Sun: 9am to 5:45 pm
Free admission


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Cultural Center of the Republic

image tillagd av NYU Tourism Maps


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