Tancredo Neves Pantheon of the Nation

Tancredo Neves Pantheon of the Nation

Historisk platsKulturintressant plats FotgängarzonKollektivtrafikRiktmärke


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The Pantheon was created to celebrate the redemocratization of the country (in the late 80's), preserve the memory of former president Tancredo Neves and pay tribute to national heroes, especially Tiradentes, who fought for the independence of the country and the creation of a republic. The marble covered structure resembles a dove and one of its side is adorned with colored stained glass by Marianne Preretti, recreating a tear. The ceremonial Red Room, inside the building, displays the Freedom mural by Athos Bulcão. The Main Hall features a historic panel by Joao Camara and a stainglass wall by Marianne Peretti recreating the map ot Brazil. The Steel Book records the names of the national heroes and a permanent exhibition tells the story of important Brazilian characters. In addition to the adjacent Monument of Symbolic Fire in the open field, Niemeyer designed three curved panels to represen the Army, the Navy and the Air Force protecting Brazilian democracy.
Hours: Mon- Sun: 9 am to 6pm.


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The Country's Pantheon

image tillagd av NYU Tourism Maps


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