Arderne Gardens

Main Road

Arderne Gardens

ParkKulturintressant plats Skyddad natur


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Arderne Gardens is a picturesque park situated on Main Road in Claremont, Cape Town, and is open to visitors throughout the day. There is no entrance fee.

The 4,5 hectare garden contains one of the richest collections of exotic trees and shrubs in South Africa, with more than 300 magnificent trees including giant Norfolk Island Pines.

City Parks works with the FOTA (Friends of the Arderne Gardens) to maintain and improve the gardens.

Inside the park:

* Exotic trees and shrubs
* Giant Norfolk Island Pines
* Duck and fish ponds
* Benches
* A Japanese garden
* Shady glades and romantic nooks
* A cherished venue for wedding photographs


Arderne GardensThe park forms part of the original Stellenberg estate, which was was acquired by Ralph Henry Arderne (1802-1885) in 1845. He named it The Hill, and began to collect trees, shrubs and perennials from around the world. His elder son, Henry Matthew Arderne (1834-1914), was equally enthusiastic as a collector of plants. The Ardernes had intended to create a garden containing the representatives of all the flora of the world, and sourced many of their trees and shrubs from Australia and New Zealand, by trading them for local plants with passing ships.

The Hill was sold in 1914, and subsequently subdivided: a portion of 4,5 hectares was registered in favour of the Council of the City of Cape Town in July 1928. It was this section that became known as Arderne Gardens in 1961.

For more information:

Area Manager: Mr Bart Brand
Tel: 021 689 8102/3
Address: Main Road, Claremont
Opening hours: 08:00–16:30
For further information please visit:

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