The Backpack & Africa Travel Center

74 New Church Street
Cape Town

The Backpack & Africa Travel Center

EkotourismSociala tjänsterRättvis handel/fair trade


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The Backpack is a luxury backpackers of note in Cape Town, straddling the line between hostel and hotel with its dignity intact. In a superb location right on the fringe of the city centre. The pool is huge, the food is good, the activities are many, the staff are friendly, the location is central - and The Backpack is popular, so book ahead.

Facilities include a travel centre, a cafe, a swimming pool, guarded parking, safes, luggage storage, a community shop, a self-catering kitchen, a washing and laundry facility and Wi-Fi access

They also focus on uplifting staff and community; commitment towards transparency, high-level standards and profit sharing for the majority of staff.

Community involvement is a core feature of The Backpack’s ethos whereby it has helped to build a crèche in a local informal settlement, financed from commissions earned by selling a cultural tour to the townships; positive and proactive attitude to working with staff affected by HIV/Aids.

021 423 4530


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The Backpack & Africa Travel Centre - video

video tillagd av Anonymous



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