Bean There Coffee Company - Western Cape Office

7 Mountain Street
Hout Bay
Cape Town

Bean There Coffee Company - Western Cape Office

Ekologisk/lokal matLokalt företagRättvis handel/fair trade


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Bean There Coffee Company has branched out to Cape Town this year. We are the only Fairtrade registered coffee roaster in South Africa, and have a number of organic coffees available. Our Western Cape branch operates from offices in Hout Bay. We supply a number of deli's and upmarket restaurants, and would like to introduce Capetonians to our single origin African coffees.

We are keen to get discerning coffee lovers to try out our speciality fairtrade coffees, thereby promoting "responsible caffeine intake"! Give us a shout if you need to have a mobile espresso/ cappuccino stand at your green events - we'd love to spread the word.

Direct fair trade means producers receive a fair payment for their coffee through equal engagement, regardless of market fluctuations, which ensures community development, empowerment, and sustainability. Bean There provides single origin, unblended coffee beans from a one country and region. All coffee beans have an optimal roast: a point within the roasting process where the key coffee elements of aroma, body, acidity and flavour meet perfectly, resulting in a most desirable, optimal roast. Bean There has directly sourced the world’s most exclusive coffee which it traditionally hand-roasts in small batches. The coffee taste and experience emanates class, distinction, extravagance, and passion. Every cup of Bean There coffee creates an adventure able to transport the taster to the jungles of risk, the farms of intrigue, the plains of mystery, and the taste of Africa’s coffee heritage.

021 790 1075


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