100 St Georges Mall, Cape Town


Hälsosam bespisningEkologisk/lokal matLokalt företag


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'Crush' is an urban oasis situated in the heart of Cape Town on the bustling St Georges Mall. This gem of a fresh food cafe offers delicious healthy, and nutritious meals using the finest seasonal ingredients,. We prepare raw, gluten free, vegetarian and vegan dishes as well as fruit smoothies and freshly-squeezed health juices. We also have a great selection of herbal teas, coffees, natural cider, micro brew beers and organic wines.

We support local farmers, sustainable agriculture and environmentally friendly products. Our food is prepared with love. "Our commitment is to live to our highest potential and share bliss with everyone".
Our mission is to provide the health conscience community with the highest quality veggies, meat, free range, raw and vegan food at the best affordable prices. Our goal is to serve the working community in the city with food that aids their pursuit of a healthy lifestyle.

We offer a menu of nutrient rich selections pleasing to the eyes, the body and the mind. We hope you'll join us for a bite, a sip or a divine dessert and enjoy the feel-good energy of living cuisine.

Handmade with the finest fresh ingredients



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