Platinum street
Northgate Estate, Ysterplaat
Cape Town

Eco Exhibit

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Looking to reduce your carbon footprint? There are more eco-friendly alternatives than you can imagine.

Start at EcoExhibit. It is free to visit the centre - an extensive exhibition of the country's leading suppliers of sustainable living technology. Whether you're a developer, architect, renovator or homemaker, you can now view a range of planet-wise products in one central location and receive information about current innovations in the building and lifestyle industry. It's time to start reusing, recycling and reducing. What legacy will you leave behind?

EcoExhibit's mission is to promote sustainable living by bringing green into the mainstream. They focus on introducing the building industry to eco-friendly technology, but support all planet-friendly lifestyle products.

The Exhibit is the brainchild of Rayne Neave, granddaughter of the legendary Laurie Wale, a pioneer in the building industry.

But now, in line with the shifting demands of our planet, EcoExhibit provides a space exclusively dedicated to eco-friendly products, taking the center to its next level.

For the first time, the public can access alternative technology in one central location, and exhibitors can display their resources alongside conventional building suppliers.

Eco Exhibit interacts with all relevant players in the industry, including the Cape Town City Council and the Green Building Council. They promote mindful use of our nation's resources, endorsing events, special exhibits, conferences and municipal and regional transformation.

+27 (0)21 5104000


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image tillagd av urban sprout


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