False Bay Ecology Park

South bank of Zeekoe Vlei, Zeekoevlei Road

False Bay Ecology Park



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False Bay Ecology Park not only make the most of the grey water produced by their showers and wash hand basins by using it to flush toilets but also augments their personal water supply by harvesting rainwater and using this water for showering and washing hands

076 481 3330


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Ecology park on the banks of Zeekoe Vlei has become an icon of sustainability. Rainwater from the roof is filtered before being sent to the water tanks. From the water tanks the water is pumped, under pressure, into the building and used for showering and washing hands. This washwater (greywater) is then sent to the greywater recycling system where it is reused to flush toilets. Only then does the water enter the sewer.

Rainwater harvesting and greywater systems

video tillagd av Anonymous


Ecology park on the banks of Zeekoe Vlei has become an icon of sustainability. Rainwater from the roof is filtered before being sent to the water tanks. From the water tanks the water is pumped, under pressure, into the building and used for showering and washing hands. This washwater (greywater) is then sent to the greywater recycling system where it is reused to flush toilets. Only then does the water enter the sewer.


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