Global Carbon Exchange

River Park, River Lane
Ground Floor, Liesbeek House

Global Carbon Exchange

Grön verksamhetEkoinformationMiljövårdsundervisningEkocertifieringAnsvarstagande företagPlats för infånging/minskning av växthusgaserEnergibesparing


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Global Carbon Exchange (GCX) is a leading International Carbon and Energy measurement, management and reduction consultancy set up by concerned individuals in response to the global threat of climate change. With offices in South Africa, USA, Namibia, Indonesia, Australia and the Ukraine GCX aims to accelerate the move to a low carbon economy by working with all kinds of organizations to reduce green house gas (GHG) emissions and initiate GHG reduction projects. GCX works with companies and governments around the world using its unique end-to-end carbon and energy measurements and management process to help our customers make the right choices at the right time for their business.

Our services include carbon footprints, energy audits, implementation of greenhouse gas reductions plans including employee and supplier education and advice on carbon offset-project selection. We also specialize in the investigation, feasibility and registration of carbon credits for offset projects and adaptation studies aimed at reducing the impact of climate change. GCX offers carbon-credit brokerage and trading.

We also offer carbon footprint analyst and energy efficiency auditor certification courses. Start a career that makes a difference. Become a leader in the green revolution.

If you would like to know more, please contact us. We would love to hear from you.

+27 21 680 5146
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