Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden

Rhodes Drive
Cape Town

Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden

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Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden is world-renowned for the beauty and diversity of the Cape flora it displays and for the magnificence of its setting against the eastern slopes of Table Mountain.

Kirstenbosch grows only indigenous South African plants. The estate covers 528 hectares and supports a diverse fynbos flora and natural forest. The cultivated garden (36 hectares) displays collections of South African plants, particularly those from the winter rainfall region of the country.

The Visitors' Centre includes an information desk, various retail outlets, restaurants, and a coffee shop. The Centre for Home Gardening has outlets for plants and other services to support the home garden.

On Sundays during the summer months from December to March, musical sunset concerts are held on the lawns. Craft markets are also held at the Stone Cottages (opposite Kirstenbosch) on the last Sunday of every month (except June, July & August) and the Kirstenbosch Garden Fair takes place each year in March.

Kirstenbosch also has an active Environmental Education Programme, and a number of trails lead through natural forest and fynbos surrounding the developed garden. Special features at Kirstenbosch include the Peninsula, Water-wise, Fragrance, Medicinal, Protea, Restio and Useful Plants Gardens, The Botanical Society Conservatory and Van Riebeeck’s Hedge.

Physically challenged visitors should contact the information office in advance to book a wheelchair or one of the golf cart/shuttle tours.

The Garden is open 365 days a year from 08:00 - 19:00 (September -March) and from 08:00 - 18:00 (April - August).

021 799 8783


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