78 Lower Main Road
Cape Town

Komati Foods

Ekologisk/lokal matInternetresurs


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Komati Foods is located in trendy Observatory, Cape Town. Not only does it cater for the local residents, over the years its reputation has spread far and wide resulting in it becoming a destination store of choice for many a discerning customer.

Products include nuts, chocolates, carobs, yogurts, candy, seeds, dried fruit, glace fruits, organic foods and muesli.

All nuts are purchased raw and roasted on the premises, resulting in the freshest products being available to customers at all times. Everyday the smell of roasting nuts can be detected wafting down Lower Main Road much to everyone’s delight. All nuts and dried fruits are of the highest quality. Komati Foods only purchase the best available. If one is not satisfied with the standard of a certain product, they would rather not stock it at that time, then offer their customers second best.

If there are any products that you can't find in their shop or on their website (which functions as an online store) you can ask them and they will try and source it for you.

021 448 2130


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