Kommetjie Environmental Awareness Group (KEAG)

Kommetjie Environmental Awareness Group (KEAG)

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KEAG is a Non-Profit Organisation established in October of 1991. In 1993 we opened the KEAG Environmental Education Centre on Imhoff Gift Farm. Our infrastructure consists of an office and meeting hall, a Recycling Centre and outside cabins and containers used for project work. Next door to our office is our newly opened craft shop called Junk Evolution. KEAG is overseen by an Executive Committee, but the day to day running of the Centre and its projects is carried out by a core committee consisting of a Centre Manager, Projects Manager and overall Co-ordinator.

KEAG specialises in project management, and over the 15 years of our existence we have run dozens of employment-creating environmental projects.

Some of the main achievements from our past have been:

· Managing some of the first ever alien vegetation clearing projects on the Cape Peninsula. KEAG did the first ever clearing on Slangkop Mountain and all the way from Ocean View to Scarborough

· Ran the campaign that prevented parts of Slangkop Mountain from being developed for housing

· Active involvement in the ongoing rehabilation of wetlands such as the Bokramspruit and the Wildevoelvlei

· Pioneers of permaculture in the Western Cape

· Saving the island at 'the Kom' from potential development

· Pioneers of pro-active baboon management on the Cape Peninsula

· Our ecologist has been the faunal consultant for Environmental Baseline Studies of Soetwater, Millers Point, Slangkop and Plateau Road

Currently KEAG contractually employs over 100 people from the impoverished areas of Masiphumelele, Lavender Hill, Red Hill and Ocean View. These people are employed on a contractual basis in Poverty Relief Projects. Our aim is to set up a number of small enterprises for ex-contract workers and they largely manage their own projects with our support.

We believe that this is true empowerment and we are proud of these initiatives.

021 783 3433


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