Living Art Farm

Noordhoek Road

Living Art Farm

EkotourismHälsosam bespisningEkologiskt jordbruk/permakulturEkologisk/lokal mat


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Living Art Farm provides an outdoor experience in its own way. It is a natural - small holding style, environment, modelled on permaculture principles. The small holding is situated on 1 and a half acres and demonstrates the possibilities of a organic farming in a relatively small space.

The farm is surrounded by mountains, which form an amphitheatre around the valley. Early mornings, evenings and nights are all special. Seasons come and go, and the environment takes on different forms.

Three rustic Guest Cottages on an organic 1 and a half acre small holding - in a beautiful valley, surrounded by Mountains, 10 minutes from the famous Noordhoek Beach and close to Fish Hoek, Glen Cairn, Boulders Beaches. Situated at the beginning of Chapman’s Peak Drive, on Nature’s Doorstep, you will experience the peace & tranquility of living on a small holding, not far from the city. Ducks, chickens, ponies, frogs, birds, eagles…..indigenous garden, organic vegetables are all part of the experience.

Living Art Farm has also organically grown as a base camp for many people travelling through, wanting to learn and work on township projects. From organic gardens to development work, many visitors have shared their own talents, skills and knowledge on different angles of sustainable development, as well as playing an active role and experiencing what has worked here in Africa, and also more importantly what can be learnt from Africa.

Workshop Venue
Living Art Farm has a small workshop venue that can accommodate groups of 10 - 15 people. Great for informal brain storming sessions, strategy planning or just simply as a workshop space. Lots of informal meeting areas on the deck or outside in the indigenous garden.

Good space, in peaceful surroundings, to inspire creativity and clear thinking. Delegates get an opportunity to work in a relaxed space and to take advantage of table tennis, the trampolin or the pool during their free time or lunch breaks.

021 789 2494


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