Proudly Manenberg

Proudly Manenberg

Viktig organisation/föreningKulturintressant plats MiljövårdsundervisningEkologiskt jordbruk/permakulturViktig organisation/byråLivlig platsEkotourism


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Proudly Manenberg is a non profit community based organisation, formed in September 2005 in response to the challenges Manenberg faces. At its inaugural conference it formulated its vision of building a vibrant, proud and dignified Manenberg through creating opportunities.

Over the last four years Proudly Manenberg has been able to reach out into the community and more and more residents are beginning to have hope. People are beginning to dream that a better future is possible. Our approach has been to engage the community in its own future and to build partnerships with all spheres of government, the private sector and other stakeholders. We have developed a Social and Economic Development Plan as our turn-around strategy. This approach is beginning to bear fruit.

The organisation is divided into 11 sectors which take responsibility for the implementation of programs in the 5 zones we have divided of Manenberg into. Through the sectors we are making Manenberg safe and clean and creating opportunities for learning and economic development. We promote the values of caring and sharing, my child is your child, each one, teach one, honesty and accountability. We promote the concept of “The People Shall Govern” encouraging people’s participation and community ownership.

Manenberg is going green and we are developing awareness around energy and resources. We believe that the environment needs to be transformed and so the environment sector is cleaning and greening our community. We are rehabilitating the damage done to our environment through recycling our waste and growing food. The Waterfront is a conservation area, rich in bird life, which is being developed to benefit the community.

Our Environment team of 100 residents is making Manenberg clean and green and builds awareness of cleaning and conservation as a responsibility of all residents. Residents with a passion for gardening are creating and maintaining gardens to beautify the community and food gardens, especially at schools, to contribute towards a healthy lifestyle and sustainable economic activity.

021 691 2198


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