R310 Lynedoch Road


EkotourismVattenreningsverkLivlig platsEkologiskt jordbruk/permakulturGrön byggnadRättvis handel/fair trade


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Spier, in the heart of South Africa's Cape Winelands, is more than an innovative and iconic destination. It is a place of hope that delivers experiences that rejuvenate mind, body and soul.

Art, culture, wine, food, nature and conservation – these are the pillars of the Spier experiences and all are manifest on the estate, giving guests the opportunity to see, smell, hear, feel and taste for themselves the variety of unexpected encounters available at Spier.

Spier has long believed that the arts have a crucial role to play in the African Renaissance as art, in all its forms, has the power to transform societies. As such, they launched the Spier Arts Summer Season 11 years ago as a way to express their passion for the arts.

In the Spier hotel the focus has been on sustainability and wherever possible locally made and environmentally friendly products have been used.

Sustainability initiatives under way at Spier include a wastewater treatment plant that cleans and “re-energises” up to 250000l of water per day, the recycling of more than 80% of its solid waste, a waste-plus-worms-equals-compost vermiculture programme, a drive to significantly reduce energy and water consumption, biodynamic farming practices, a biodiversity plan, and conservation programmes in the form of Cheetah Outreach, Eagle Encounters and the eradication of alien vegetation. The company aims to be carbon neutral by 2017.

They also have comprehensive strategies to achieve triple-bottom-line sustainability targets (including carbon emissions, water and waste management, energy use and poverty eradication) which are ambitiously addressed and then documented for public reference on their website.

To view Spier pictures: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2qc1dt184q9w3z6/4LmSeY9rsa

021 809 1100


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