9b Bell Crescent Close
The Green Building, Westlake Business Estate
Cape Town

EkoprodukterEkoinformationInternetresursGrön teknik


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While many people are aware that serious local and global environmental problems exist, and that they are likely to be contributing to them in their daily lives, they have to do substantial research to find out which activities of theirs are the most environmentally damaging, as well as to find suppliers of goods or services which would help them reduce their ‘footprint’.

Few people have the time or inclination for such research, yet with access to the right products and information it is surprisingly easy to live a much more environmentally sustainable life. hopes to help people achieve this by providing the necessary information and eco-friendly products all in one location.

* Supplies a wide range of eco-friendly goods to create sustainable lifestyles.
* Provides information which alerts people to the local and global environmental situation.
* Provides practical guidance on measures to live more sustainably.
* Provides information on organizations that provide services linked to sustainable living, such as environmental consultancies and renewable energy expertise.

It is fast becoming apparent that the planet cannot sustain our current lifestyles. We need to make a change. aims to make it easy for the average person or household to improve their environmental ‘footprint’ through the provision of eco-friendly products and online information. is based at The Green Building

021 701 2028


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