Arcturis Corporate Office

720 Olive Street #200
St. Louis
MO 63101

Arcturis Corporate Office

Grön byggnadAnsvarstagande företag


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The corporate office for Arcturis, a St. Louis based architectural design company, is one of the most sustainable office buildings in the city of St. Louis. The office, which was completed in 2009, received a LEED Certified Silver award for its low carbon footprint and its reduced water/electricity use. The office truly enacts the idea that a design firm should live in what they practice, as Arcturis is well known for designing sustainable, "green" buildings and interiors.

One of the most innovative aspects of the office is the "wall of plants" that appear in front entrance of the office. The wall was irrigated in order to increase the air quality of the office, and is part of the reason the office scored a 5/5 on the "Innovation & Design" portion of the LEED report card. Arcturis truly has one of the most incredibly designed offices you will ever visit, and the firms portfolio of past projects is just as great and innovative. A highly recommended company.

(314) 206-7100


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