Emerson Global Data Center

8000 West Florissant Avenue
St. Louis
MO 63136

Emerson Global Data Center

Grön byggnadSolenergiEnergibesparing


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Though you may not associated Data centers with being particularly "green" due to the vast amount of electricity they consume, the Emerson Global Data Center in Ferguson, MO is actually one of the greenest buildings in the area. The building received a Gold certification from LEED, due primarily to it's significant improvement in energy use/performance when compared to other similar data centers. The center also has one of the largest photovoltaic (solar panel) array in the country( at 7,800 square feet and 100kW) on its site, making it a premiere site for solar energy. The array allows the center to obtain almost 15% of its electricity from solar, which is a ton of electricity when you consider the total amount of electricity that the center uses.

The center also features energy-efficient cooling and HVAC strategies that combined with the photovoltaic array make it one of the most energy-efficient data centers on the face of the earth. With this project Emerson ventured out to turn a data center, traditionally some of the most inefficient, energy sucking buildings around, into one of the greenest buildings in the entire area. Without a shadow of a doubt, they have succeeded, and the Emerson Global Data Center is a shining example of how nearly any building, no matter its energy requirements, can be a "green" building.


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