Garden of Edenbo CSA

421 Park Drive
Boiling Springs

Garden of Edenbo CSA

Ekologisk/lokal mat


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Garden of Edenbo grows fresh, local, sustainable produce. During the 2009 growing season, we will continue to specailize in all of the ingredients you need to make fresh, healthy salads. Our produce is chemical free and we strive for sustainability. We manage our gardens intensively, making every effort to build healthy soil and use water wisely.

In 2009 we are once again offering a Community Supported Agriculture CSA program called "Salad Shares".

Salad Share members will receive a weekly supply of fresh salad greens, lettuce and seasonal vegetables like radishes, carrots and tomatoes. Our season runs from early June- September. Each week you will receive enough fresh produce to provide a family of two with a salad each day or a family of four with about 3 salads per week. Our pick up location will be in the Carlisle/Boiling Springs area.

The cost is $250 for the 18 week season. If you've been thinking about trying a CSA, but do not want to be overwhelmed by a full sized share of vegetables, try our salad share. Each week will include familiar ingredients, a couple new items, and a delicious recipe for our seasonal salad of the week!

Please call for additional details and availability.

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