The Howard Peters Rawlings Conservatory and Botanic Gardens

3100 Swan Drive
MD 21217

The Howard Peters Rawlings Conservatory and Botanic Gardens

ParkMiljövårdsundervisningHistorisk platsBarnvänlig plats


Druid Hill Park Conservatory
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The Howard Peters Rawlings Conservatory and Botanic Gardens of Baltimore is managed by the Bureau of Parks' Horticultural Division and is supported by the non-profit group, the Baltimore Conservatory Association. Located inside of Druid Hill Park near the intersection of Gwynns Falls Parkway and McCulloh Street, the Conservatory features year-round displays of plant material in five distinct areas of the facility: the 1888 Palm House, the Orchid Room, Mediterranean House, Tropical House and Desert House. In addition, three major flower displays are planned during the year, which includes the Spring Flower Show, the Fall Chrysanthemum and the Holiday Poinsettia displays. Annual public events include fall and holiday open houses.

There are 35 flowerbeds in the 1½ acre garden that provide a kaleidoscope of color from early spring until late fall. An unusual sundial provides a centerpiece.

There are educational programs offered every weekend, rotating among themes targeted to children and to adults.



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Druid Hill Park Conservatory

image tillagd av shanna.edberg


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